LEAL participates in the European Researchers’ Night

On Friday, September 29, 2023, the research staff of the University of Cantabria met in Plaza Pombo in Santander to celebrate the European Researchers’ Night. The event featured a spectrum of engaging activities, including demonstrations, experiments and workshops.

LEAL members enthusiastically took part in the event, by hosting a stand titled Bilingual Education. Attendees had the chance to evaluate their understanding of bilingual education by engaging in interactive quiz challenges (like Kahoot!), as well as solving intricate puzzles in which they explored the diverse notions associated with CLIL programs.

Participants had the unique opportunity to gain first hand insights into our Primary Education project (La adquisición de la pronunciación del inglés en el alumnado de Educación Primaria en centros bilingües y no bilingües. Proyecto PID2020 115327RB I00 financiado por MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033), which delves into the study of pronunciation acquisition. They explored the various tests we conduct, the underlying reasons for their implementation, and the meaningful implications derived from their outcomes. To facilitate this, attendees could directly engage in pronunciation tests themselves, either by repeating words or narrating a story in English.

The European Researchers’ Night stands as a prominent European initiative in scientific outreach. It has been promoted since 2005 by the European Commission within the Marie Sktodowska Curie actions of the Horizon Europe program, and takes place simultaneously in almost 400 European cities in more than 30 countries. At the University of Cantabria, this event is promoted by the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i).

© European Union, 2022.

This exceptional opportunity enabled us to showcase our research and projects to a wide ranging audience of all age groups, contributing to an event that shattered its previous participation records this year.