Title: Looking Back to Move Forward: Bilingual (Spanish-English) Education Practices and Research
Date: June 7, 2024
Time: 9:00 – 17:30
Location: Faculty of Philology, University of Alcalá
Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto will participate on the II Seminar on Teaching English as a Foreign Language (II TEFL Seminar 2024), titled Looking back to move forward: Bilingual (Spanish-English) education practices and research.
The II Seminar on Teaching English as a Foreign Language (II TEFL Seminar 2024) will focus on bilingual teaching, highlighting the latest research and best practices in educational institutions. This year’s event promises to be an insightful gathering for educators and researchers dedicated to advancing bilingual (Spanish-English) education.
Francisco Gallardo-del-Puerto will deliver a seminar addressing the nuanced impact of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) programmes on foreign language development, with a particular emphasis on pronunciation. His presentation will critically review existing studies conducted in Spain on CLIL and pronunciation learning, identifying both research limitations and gaps in the current literature.
Gallardo-del-Puerto will also share preliminary findings from a research project examining English pronunciation learning among young learners in bilingual and non-bilingual schools. He aims to advocate for more focused research on pronunciation within CLIL and non-CLIL classrooms, encouraging a deeper reflection on the role of pronunciation in language education.
Read more: https://master-tefl.web.uah.es/en/research/